About Us


David Tynan
Secretary and Treasurer
0438 163 926

ABN 93 249 168 371

email: Survive the Ride

Joel Henderson


We are driven (excuse the pun) by the concept of  “riders looking out for each other”.

The Survive The Ride Association of NSW (STRANSW) will encourage motorcycle riders to enjoy riding motorcycles, without injury, for as long as they choose.

Key Messages

STRANSW promotes one primary message to motorcycle riders:
Take responsibility for your own safety
– it doesn’t hurt any less when it’s not your fault.

To assist riders in “how” to take responsibility we promote three key messages:

  • Scan-Anticipate-Respond to actively avoid situations that lead to a crash.
  • Wear protective clothing just in case someone makes a mistake.
  • Speed on the track not on the road – you still get the thrill, it is safer and you keep your license.

Strategic Approach

STRANSW will undertake promotions in three distinct areas:

  1. Motorcycle riders – providing information on proven and new ideas to improve rider safety on the road.
  2. Motorcycle industry – lobbying business to invest in helping their customers come back in one piece.
  3. Government – working with local Government and Police to educate local riders on safety issues.

STRANSW  Background

STRANSW was formed in July 2007 by five motorcycle riders who each have many years experience in promoting motorcycle safety.

The original Survive The Ride (STR) project commenced in 2002 as a project funded by Auburn, Holroyd & Parramatta Councils in Sydney’s western suburbs.  Over 5 years the STR project received strong support from riders, the motorcycle industry and local Government.  In 2007 the support culminated in funding from 8 Councils and in-kind support from another 16 Councils.

Unfortunately, due to pressure from individuals within NSW State Government, local Councils were forced to withdraw their support and the original STR project was dismantled.

But we are passionate about riding bikes for as long as we can so letting the project simply die out was not an option.

STRANSW was established to ensure we continue to encourage riders and stakeholders who wish to improve their own safety and that of other riders.

Since 2007 we have provided useful information to riders via this website, community events and our free Rider Safety Workshops.

Enjoy the ride.