CTP – Third Party Injury Claims against motorcycle riders.

• 38% of claims are made by our own pillion passengers.
• 18% of claims are made by other motorcycle riders we run into.
• 16% of claims are made by pedestrians we hit.
• 16% of claims are made by drivers of cars we hit.
• 6% of claims are made by the passengers in the cars we hit.
• 5% of claims are made by the “other” – not real sure about that one.
These numbers are from the independent actuarial consultants Finity Consulting that the MAA uses to check its numbers.
We have this information because one of our members, asked the MAA to explain an apparent error in their Fact Sheet they issued about the recent CTP green slip increases.
The MAA have advised they had indeed made a mistake and apologised for any confusion.
What the numbers are saying is that in over 50% of the CTP claims, we are hurting our own pillions and our fellow riders.

Avoid the crash – Scan – anticipate and respond early.
Wear the gear just in case you make a mistake.
Speed on the track and cruise on the road.